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Three taskpanes

Citation Manager provides main interface for most of the tasks
Pubmed provides link to pubmed and help in finding references from pubmed
Reference Editor allows editing of a single reference in the database

Citation Manager provides main interface for most of the tasks including

  1. Insertion and removal of references in document. (Reference list is generated automatically at the end of document each time any of these actions is done in CiteManager)

  2. Saving and loading of reference databases

  3. Downloading, saving and opening pdf or html files of the references in the database list

  4. Changing citation format.

  5. Conversion of references from/to other software formats (EndNote, ReferenceManager)

  6. Other features

Pubmed provides link to pubmed and help in finding references from pubmed. References found on this taskpane can be easily added to the database (CiteManager)

Reference Editor allows editing of a single reference in the database. For example changing author spelling, journal name, or adding information to new empty reference