HandyCite stores the references list database as text files. These database files are stored with same name (except *.txt extension) and in the same folder as the document file. Since it uses the current document name and folder, it does not ask for a database name when saving or loading a reference database file. For example if document is c:\documents\MyManuscript.docx, the database file will be c:\docuemnts\MyManuscript.txt.
The name of the reference list database gets stored as document property. So, future versions of the document maintain link to the original database file. If required, the database file can be renamed by saving as a different file name.
HandyCite stores the references list database as text files. These database files are stored with same name (except *.txt extension) and in the same folder as the document file (1). Since it uses the current document name and folder, it does not ask for a database name when saving or loading a reference database file. For example if document is c:\......\smoking.docx (2), the database file will be c:\.....\smoking.txt. (2)
The name of the reference list database gets stored as document property. So, future versions of the document maintain link to the original database file. If required, the database file can be renamed by saving as a different file name.